Meet Peggy Mangot, an entrepreneur and mother of three who left her job at Google to launch her own company called SparkGift. SparkGift is an all digital investing platform that makes it easy and affordable for your family and friends to give and receive investments as gifts. Just think about it. This amazing company provides the perfect gift for holidays, birthdays, anniversaries and much more.
By making it as easy to gift-give $50 of Apple stock as gifting a $50 iTunes gift card, Peggy realized her goal of giving anyone who would rather give gifts that appreciate in value rather than depreciate in value, end up in a landfill, and/or go completely unused (like so many gift cards) the ability to gift stocks and mutual funds with ease.
Honestly, SparkGift is a genius idea. As an easy and affordable way to learn about money and large transactions, SparkGift is definitely an innovator in technology. Additionally, there are more awesome features you can learn about below:
- SparkGift can gift an investment ranging from $20 to $1,000 in mere minutes.
- SparkGift can gift-give stocks and index funds, including fractional shares.
- SparkGift can create an online gift registry for the stocks and index funds of their choice.
- SparkGift can schedule an investment gift to be delivered (via email) on the day of the holiday or occasion (birthday, graduation, Bar Mitzvah, communion, wedding shower, baby shower, anniversary, Christmas, Hanukkah, etc.)
- SparkGift will teach young people about investing by showing them how their gifted investments are growing, encouraging them to make additional investments with money from their allowance, part-time job, etc. and helping them value investments over "stuff".
To learn more about Peggy Mangot and her digital investment company please be sure to check out
--Love Rae
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